Classical Mechanics
The origion of modern physics, starting with the formulation by Isaac Newton and later reformulated in the works of Joseph-Louis Lagrange and Sir William Rowan Hamilton.
Quantum Mechanics
The foundation of our current understanding of physics, in which the states of any system are elements of a Hilbert space and observables are operators on this Hilbert space.
General Relativity
Einsteins theory of gravity, in which the world is modelled as a 4-dimensional Lorentzian manifold, equiped with a metric structure.
Classical Field Theory
The branch og classical mechanics, concerned with the study of systems with infinitely many degrees of freedom, by modelling these systems as continous media, described by fields.
Condensed Matter Theory
The study of how our elementary theories of physics give rise to new emergent properties in systems with a large number of particles.
Statistical Physics
The link between our microscopic physical theories and macroscopic effective theory of thermodynamics, through the use of statistical analysis.
Quantum Field Theory
The consitent scheme for combining quantum mechanics and special relativity, by quantizing classical field theories; the foundation of the entire Standard Model.
Quantum Gravity
The study of consistently combining Quantum Mechanics and General Relativity; String Theory, Loop Quantum Gravity and Causal Dynamical Triangulation are all attempts at QG.
String Theory
Initially the study of Quantized Relativistic Strings, as a way to produce spin-2 particles; Central to Holography and some modern approaches to Scattering Amplitudes.